Introducing the revolutionary new self-help community
Millions of people are addicted to canned energy drinks. And to be honest, we've been there, we've saved ourselves and now we want to help save you too.
Introducing the revolutionary community: Canned Energy Drinks Anonymous (CEDA), a 66.6 Step Program that can help you ditch the canned energy bullshit. Why the 66.6 days? Because canned energy drinks are pure evil.
Since canned energy drinks are f*cking addicting, and we're not giving up on you. So don't wait, join CEDA today.
CEDA is sponsored by Buffed, the energy drink that's too powerful for a can™, that's because it's made from ingredients from the earth that are real. So real that we can't have floating in carbonated water for a day let alone for years.
Ready to Pledge Your Loyalty?
Just post one picture each week wearing our Buffed™ logo T-shirt and get a bag of free buffed every time you run out until you die.