What's the "S Word"? Sucralose [you monster]. We originally tried using a combo of monk fruit, allulose and stevia and we could not get it flavored to something we were satisfied with--unfortunately, with everything we put in BUFFED it's extremely hard to flavor. For what it is worth, sucralose is the last ingredient in Venom Berry and makes up <1% of the total formula. Pineapple Thrash has Allulose as the main sweetener with some Sucralose.
Most people hate sucralose because they've heard two things: 1. Sucralose destroys or alters DNA 2. Sucralose kills the gut microbiome.
The "dna destroying [or altering]" of sucralose is based on an in vitro study. Glutamate, an amino acid, does the same thing in an in vtiro study. So now let's talk about this specific study:
1. The study is using a derivative called "sucralose-6-acetate", which is an impurity in sucralose aka if you're using a quality product this shouldn't exist AND if it does exist, it's an extremely low amount of the total sucralose.
2. DNA was only altered against the control when using the highest amount of sucralose they could aka it was 900x greater than what the body could produce. 900x. It is not a physiological model or a physiological dose.
3. Does this warrant looking further into? Yeah I think so. And it needs to be done in randomized controlled studies.
Now the gut microbiome. The study is called: "Ten-Week Sucralose Consumption Induces Gut Dysbiosis and Altered Glucose and Insulin Levels in Healthy Young AdultsMendez-Garcia et al. (2022)"
What did they test? Changes in gut bacteria, post-prandial glucose, and insulin response from ten weeks of sucralose ingestion in humans.
What did they find? Sucralose ingestion for ten weeks resulted in a significant increase in the microbiota species Blautia Coccoids. There were no significant differences in glycemic responses between water and sucralose ingestion.
What does it mean for you? The benefits of artificial sweeteners outweigh the potentially negative consequences on the gut microbiome that are largely unexplored in humans.
More info: Changes in intestinal bacteria were the primary measure for this study. Interestingly there were some differences, but not the difference that some make it out to be. There was only a change in the Fermicutes type of bacteria, Blautia coccoides, and Lactobacillus acidophilus. Results showed sucralose ingestion significantly decreased Lactobacillus acidophilus. Additionally, the sucralose group significantly increased their gut bacteria strain Blautia coccoides, and the analysis showed the sucralose group increased (3 – 4 fold increase) Blautia coccoides to a significantly greater degree than the water group. So it decreased some strains of gut bacteria but increased other strains of gut bacteria. There could be an equally strong argument made that sucralose improved gut health based on these results.
*this information was sourced using REPS.